Crisis on Campus: Mental Health Illness
1 in 5 U.S. adults that experience mental illness in a year
That’s 43.8 million, or 18.5% of population
But what about students in the high-stress world of universities?
Stressed Out Students
20.2 million: number of students in American colleges, 2015
1 in 4: estimated number of students with diagnosable mental health problems
That’s 5 million students.
40%: percentage of those students who will not seek help
Starting Out Stressed
75%: percent of lifetime cases of mental health conditions begin by age 24
For persons age 18-44: Mood disorders [including major depression, dysthymic disorder and bipolar disorder] are 3rd most common cause of hospitalization in U.S
95%: of on campus counseling centers surveyed said students with psychological problems is a growing concern.
Featured Programs
How Are Students Feeling?*
86.4% – overwhelmed by all they had to do
32.6% – So depressed that it was difficult to function
54.0% – Felt overwhelming anxiety
8.1% – Seriously considered suicide
Suicide is 2nd leading cause of death for persons aged 15-34
Suicide Rate for persons aged 15 – 24:
2007: 9.6 per 100,000
2013: 11.1 per 100,000
Suicide rate among young adults has tripled since the 1950s
95% of people who commit suicide have a psychological disorder like depression at the time of their suicide.
Even athletes are affected**
17% – Current athletes depressed
8% – of past college athletes
Crisis Aftermath
73% – percentage of students with a mental health condition that experienced a mental health crisis on campus
34.2% – of students with a mental health condition said college did not know about their crisis.
37% – Dropout rate among students with mental health conditions (age 14-21 and older) who are served by special education.
64% – of students with a mental health condition quit school for mental health related reasons.
*”How are students feeling?” numbers came from a 2014 study by the American College Health Association
**Depressed athletes numbers come from a study of nearly 300 current and past college athletes: