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Top Value Counseling Master’s Degrees in Vermont

Top Counseling Schools - Best Value - 2016
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Published Jume 2016

Welcome to our ranking of the top master’s degrees in counseling in Vermont.

If you’re thinking about earning your master’s in counseling and you live in Vermont (or you would like to) take a look at these top-ranked schools – or school, in this case. As the second least-populous state in the country with a land area that is 75% forest, it’s not surprising that Vermont has a limited number of options for college students. But for this state, it’s more about quality than quantity. And while local residents could easily travel to other universities in New England for their education, Vermont’s in-state tuition rates might convince them to reconsider!

Featured Programs

1. University of Vermont

Burlington, VT

School Counseling, M.S.; Clinical Mental Health Counseling, M.S.

The University of Vermont’s accredited master’s degree in counseling may be the only program in the entire state, but it’s a pretty good option to have! Aspiring counselors throughout New England can take advantage of this twice-approved counseling master’s degree, which boasts accreditation from CACREP and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). This top counseling graduate degree includes tracks for School Counseling and Clinical Mental Health Counseling, although indecisive (and extra ambitious) students have the option to obtain a dual degree, which will qualify them for licensure in both specialties. But no matter what your area of concentration, the curriculum will challenge you to pursue personal growth and practice self-reflection as part of the university’s belief that “healthy individuals make the most effective professionals.”
Tuition and Fees: $27,704/yr

This concludes our ranking of the best graduate degrees in counseling in Vermont. We’ll be sure to update this list as more schools in Vermont develop accredited counseling programs, so stay tuned!

See also: 2 Top Value Counseling Master’s Degrees in Maine

College Navigator
Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)
Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators