Published June 2016
Welcome to our ranking of the 2 top master’s degrees in counseling in Massachusetts.
If you’re thinking about earning your master’s in counseling and you live in Massachusetts (or you would like to) take a look at these top-ranked schools. Even though only two colleges in Massachusetts offer counselor education programs, they manage to provide a full suite of options between them. Whether budget, location, flexibility, or career enhancement is your top priority, you’ll find what you’re looking for on this short but comprehensive Massachusetts counseling master’s degree ranking.
Click here to see the methodology we used for this best master’s in counseling degree ranking.
Featured Programs
2. Boston University
Boston, MA
Clinical Mental Health Counseling, M.S.
Is Boston University’s counseling master’s degree program really worth $50,000 a year? To be fair, this isn’t your average mental health counseling degree. Officially, the program is in “Mental Health Counseling and Behavioral Medicine,” and it’s the only degree of its kind in the entire nation to be offered by a medical school. The curriculum includes topics in neuroscience, psychopharmacology, and diagnostics – topics you won’t find in other accredited master’s in counseling degree programs – and makes BU one of the best options for students looking for a challenge. Graduates also enjoy an unusually wide range of career options, including leadership positions in addictions and mental health treatment facilities and managers of their own private practice firms.
Tuition and Fees: $48,082/yr
1. Bridgewater State University
Bridgewater, MA
Mental Health Counseling, M.Ed.; School Counseling, M.Ed.
As one of just two counseling graduate programs in Massachusetts, Bridgewater balances the scales against BU’s pricey education with low tuition rates and a small-town vibe. But when it comes to quality education, Bridgewater more than measures up to the innovative offerings of its big city counterpart. The best counseling master’s degree in Massachusetts comes with three concentration options: Mental Health, School Counseling, and Student Affairs, which range from just 39 credit hours (Student Affairs) to 60 credit hours in length (Mental Health). Not only are two of the three tracks CACREP-accredited, but the School Counseling program also holds accreditation from the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and endorsement from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
Tuition and Fees: $9,538/yr
This concludes our ranking of the best graduate degrees in counseling in Massachusetts. We’ll be sure to update this list as more schools in Massachusetts develop accredited counseling programs, so stay tuned!
See also:
College Navigator
Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)
Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators