What is Rehabilitation Counseling?
Rehabilitation counseling is an extremely important form of mental health counseling. Rehabilitation counselors have completed the proper education requirements and earned their rehabilitation counselor certification. Once these steps are completed, they can share their skills with their patients. But what is a rehabilitation counselors work?
What Does a Rehabilitation Counselor Do for Patients?
This type of counseling is a specialty that may include both mental and physical rehabilitation. A rehabilitation counselor typically works with people who have physical, mental, social or emotional disabilities that impair their ability to be independent. The US Census Bureau estimates that close to 20 percent of the US population – just under 49 million people – have disabilities. Individuals with disabilities can greatly benefit from sessions with rehabilitation counselors.
This also means that the job outlook within the rehabilitation counseling profession is extremely high. Whether you are seeking out rehabilitation services for yourself or a loved one, you are a professional into a career that helps people with disabilities, or you are a student seeking related educational programs, you have come to the right place. Keep reading to learn about the benefits from the services of rehabilitation counselors…
What are the Benefits of Rehabilitation Counseling?
If you or someone you know has suffered a stroke or has a physical disability, it’s time to consider the benefits of sessions with a rehabilitation counselor. Not only can the right certified rehabilitation counselor help people with disabilities become more physically active, but they can help them begin to live a normal life again. Additionally, if you are looking for a fulfilling career of providing rehabilitation services, you may be interested in joining the work force of rehabilitation professionals. Rehabilitation counseling programs have endless benefits, here are some of them.
Featured Programs
1. You will feel more confident
Whether you’ve experienced a stroke or you’re dealing with a chronic medical condition, physical disabilities and health issues can impact your self-esteem. The right rehab counselor can help improve your self-esteem by working with you one-on-one to become more physically active and more in-control of your body movements. People with disabilities deserve to find balance and happiness.
2. You will experience less pain
No one wants to be in pain. Unfortunately, when you have a chronic illness or disability, you might feel like pain is a constant part of your life. Patients who pursue a rehabilitation counseling program often experience less pain. You’ll learn how to manage your pain naturally, and you’ll find that your physical discomfort is reduced as your body heals.
3. You will become more active
One of the biggest reasons to pursue therapy is that you’ll be able to get active. If you’ve been active in the past, chances are you want to achieve that same level of movement. According to the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, one of the best things your therapist can do is to help you learn how to use stairs, how to get onto a bus and how to move comfortably again. Regardless of your current limitations, therapy will help you begin to move comfortably both in and outside of your home.
4. You will pursue your goals
Chances are you have some specific goals you’d like to achieve. Maybe you want to go for a walk with your grandchildren or you want to be able to buy groceries on your own. Talk with your counselor about these goals. He or she will work with you to create a plan to reach those goals. While the therapy process can take weeks or even months, it will be worth the hard work to see your goals become your new reality.
5. You will learn new skills
One of the most important things you’ll learn is how to take care of yourself at home. While pursuing therapy at a counseling center is fantastic, it’s also important to practice good self-care when you’re at home. This can include things like exercising, stretching, or even meditating. Talk with your counselor about the best ways for you to practice self-care. He or she will help you come up with a plan for taking care of yourself when you aren’t at the center.
Rehabilitation Counseling Programs Can Be Life Changing for Some
No matter how long you’ve been struggling, understand that the right treatment can help improve your quality of life. You don’t have to struggle alone. Your life can continue and you can regain the physical movement you’ve lost. The right rehabilitation counseling center can help you reach your goals and move forward with your life, regardless of your current physical condition. If you are still looking for more information, be sure to check out the american rehabilitation counseling association website or the rehabilitation services administration website.