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What Can I Do With a Counseling Degree?

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Combining good listening skills with perception make those wishing to obtain a degree in counseling good candidates for a variety of jobs. A degree in counseling prepares students for jobs in which they will encounter patients needing advice for coping with stress, anxiety, depression, emotional disorders and relationship problems. Some patients will need help managing aging issues in a rapidly growing older population. Others will require advice on dealing with career problems such as job stress, changing jobs or total career changes. The counseling degree student will learn to help patients with substance abuse problems, sexual abuse problems, mental disorders, self-esteem problems and dealing with the death of a loved one. Since the job market today includes many service-related positions, the job outlook for a counseling major looks good.
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10 Sole Survivors of Catastrophic Plane Crashes

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Since 1970, only a handful of incredibly lucky people have walked away as the sole survivors of commercial airline crashes. Often described by the media as miracles in the flesh, these individuals lived through astonishing circumstances to cheat death – but the aftermath, the trauma and the long road to recovery are far from glamorous.

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Overwhelming grief, survivor’s guilt, post-traumatic stress and excessive media attention are just a few of the challenges these sole survivors have had to overcome, on top of the tragedy that will mark their lives forever. These 10 accounts are stories of extraordinary hope and determination, as the shell-shocked survivors have tried, little by little, to rebuild and move on with their lives.

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10 Awesome TED Talks On Happiness

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One of the great things about TED Talks is that they encourage people to look at a common and conventional concept in a rather unconventional way. This is the approach taken by many TED Talks speakers when discussing happiness. From overcoming adversity to taking things slow to perfecting a craft, happiness comes in a number of fascinating forms that are intensely personal and easily shareable. From the great minds of TED Talks keynote speakers, there are ten specific ways to reconsider what happiness means, how it is achieved, and how it should be shared with others after it has been enjoyed by ourselves.
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Student Loan Guide For Counseling Students

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The field of counseling has a lot to offer individuals through an array of career options and outstanding salary potentials. Professionals in this field work for hospitals, private practices, mental health centers, correctional facilities, and schools all over the World. In general, what many of these counseling professionals have in common is the possession of a Master’s in Counseling Degree. Although this degree can be expensive to pursue, there is a great variety of federal, state, and private loans that can provide individuals with reduced or cost-free Master’s in Counseling Degree programs.
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The Highest Paying Counseling Jobs

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The counseling industry offers career seekers several options in this rapidly growing field. The opportunities for securing positions within one of the fields included vary, but can be found in several different types of organizations and companies. Many different factors contribute to salary and compensation expectations. Geographic location, qualifications, license and experience determine the highest-paying counseling jobs. The number of positions available in various segments of this profession continues to grow even in these difficult economic times. A large number of job opportunities continue to exceed the number of graduate entering these programs.

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Education and training requirements for counselors vary with the chosen job specialty. A contributing factor for determining salaries is based on requirements for a particular position. Those requiring more specialized training, knowledge, experience and practice demand more compensation. License requirements also play a key role in determining the salaries.
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How to Pick a Masters In Counseling Program

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A counseling career can bring great personal satisfaction as well as interesting challenges. People choose this profession for many reasons. Foremost among them is altruism, and many people also go this route because it affords them a healthy sense of control. Regardless of their reasons, any counselor will gain tremendously by choosing a graduate program that is in line with their personal aspirations and provides personal growth while students acquire the necessary skills and abilities.

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When seeking a graduate program, students should review the faculty with whom they will be working. Look for a diverse mix of teachers who represent good gender balance, ages, cultural backgrounds, theoretical orientations, teaching methodologies and personalities. The program can be an excellent opportunity to explore a variety of approaches and techniques. This is only possible when a rich diversity of perspectives can be explored. It’s also important to look for faculty that is capable of operating as a team. Faculty members who are supportive of each other foster an outstanding educational environment.
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